I have to admit, I had to Google "jewellery vs jewelry" before starting this post. It seems that it's just a cultural thing, jewelry is the preferred spelling in North America, while jewellery is the preferred spelling outside of North America. eh, whatever.
Thinking about jewelry... I have many pieces of jewelry in memory of Landon. If I actually wore every piece at the same time, I'm quite sure I'd weigh an extra 50 pounds ;) No, but really, I have several necklaces, a cross that my mom gave me, his name on a piece of rice that I gave myself, a couple washer charm necklaces with Landon's and Jaxon's name engraved, and several beaded necklaces that other baby loss moms have given me. I have several bracelets, a pony bead type bracelet with his name on it from another baby loss mom, a metal cuff with Landon's and Jaxon's name engraved given to me by a friend, as well as several others. I even have a couple of rings, one I wore as a replacement for my wedding ring when I was pregnant with Landon because my hands were so swollen, and one I wear every single day with Landon's name.
Why jewelry? Why do I have so many pieces of jewelry with Landon's name? I don't wear a ring with Jaxon's name every day, so why do I wear one with Landon's name? Here's the thing, the jewelry is a physical reminder of my son that I can carry with me. I have physical reminders of Jaxon everywhere. His carseat is in my truck. His toys are on my floor. There are physical reminders of Jaxon nearly every place I look. I don't have that with Landon, I have a ring, I have a necklace, I have a bracelet. These are my physical reminders of Landon.
Day 8 is jewelry and I've chosen to take a picture of one of the shelves in Landon's curio cabinet. (forgive the white piece of paper I had to hold under the glass to stop the next shelf and mirror from intruding!) On the top left, in a pretty blue mesh bag is an engraved necklace given to me by a group of women who were all due with babies in April 2010, "once a dewdrop always a dewdrop" I love you ladies and I'm at a place where I'm loving watching Landon grow through your babies. My cuff bracelet with both babies names is near the middle. Also near the middle is my washer charm with both babies names (although my light washed out Landon's name) as well as a charm with both their birthstones. On the right side is another washer with both names hanging out on my cast mold of Landon's foot. Around his ankle is a beaded bracelet that says lil angel, Landon was buried with one and I have one. And right near Landon's toes, I placed the ring I wear every single day.
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